
Independent sculptures are often a way I work out ideas for larger installations. Many of these works allude to urban space through maquette-like forms.

a horizontal board with ceramic figures, walking between a double line of trees modeled by small twigs. Allée

ceramics, brick, coal, cow bone, birch twigs, thread, mimosa flowers
23 x 94 x 15 cm

a ceramic figure wrapped in thread facing half of a brick on a wooden plank prjecting from a wall Allée 2

thrown pottery and found ceramics, brick fragments, thread, wood
12 x 53 x 9 cm

bundles of birch twigs suspended from thread
         against a wall with bits of soil, clay, and other materials tied into the sticks Besom

birch twigs, thread, river clayceramic shards coal fragments and brick
dimensions vary

two pallets standing vertically and leaning apart, with a wooden plank between them on which two ceramic houses are poised Neighborhood

pallets, ceramics, thread
110 x 115 x 102 cm

pallets stacked on top of each other connected by various pieces of wood.
           On one of these pieces at a steep angle there is a ceramic figure of a child.
           There is a bundle of birch branches with bits of clay tied into it hanging from the top of the pallets Play structure

pallets, ceramics, thread, birch twigs
220 x 125 x 110 cm

a tall stack of moving pallets with various bits of ceramics, chalk pebbles and other rubble placed throughout Sediment

pallettes, ceramics found and made, brick, buttterfly bush, chalk, thread
190 x 150 x 140 cm

thrown pottery and found ceramics, brick, river flint, chalk, yarn, butterfly bush, wood
138 x 78 x 10 cm